
Monday, August 27, 2012

Going Through!!! But Coming out as Pure Gold!

This has been the season that everybody is going through something.  Seems as though Hell has intensified in your life. If it's not one thing it's another. Health, Finances, Children, Family, Bills, Transportation.... You name it and theres something going wrong. But the word of God tells us that many are the afflictions of the righteous but one thing that you can count on is the Lord will deliver you from them all. As I look back over the struggles that I have been through and faced the main thing I take with me is that I am still standing. I went through but I came out as pure gold. I came through the pain, through the shame, through the hell and I am still here today to tell you about it. The Lord delivered me from them all. I want to encourage somebody that has been going through to hang on in there and no that you will come through your storm.  God has to bring you to an expected  end. Your story doesn't end here!
A lot of times God is making us and developing us to make us that pure vessel of Gold. He said in his Word in Isaiah 48:10
Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.

So when I am going through now I embrace myself for what God is doing in my life. I don't alwasy understand it, it sure don't feel good but I do know it pushes me to be the Women that he is calling me to be.. You may be going through in this season...But you will come through as Pure Gold!

1 Peter 1:7
That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:


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