
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Don't Turn Back!

Genesis 19:26
But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.

What is so Good behind you that you must look back? What is ahead of you is much more precious and desirable than what is behind you. Lot's wife look back at God destroying a city for their sins and rejecting God. Knowing this she still had to look back one last time and it cost her, her life.. WHY do people risk their lives going back into a world of sin. When Jesus died on the cross for all our sins, He paid the price so that we might have a right to eternal life in Heaven. Heaven is my future, Hell and destruction is your Pass! Don't look back there is nothing back there that can save your soul. Nothing in your Pass that can heal your body. Don't become a pillar of Salt! Don't die in your mess! You have a chance to Live and to Live eternally.
 Luke 9:62
And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

When you look back and turn back to the things God has delivered you from then you, say in so many ways I don't want eternal life in Heaven..... DON'T TURN BACK! Don't let this worlds pleasures fool you into spending eternity in Hell! Jesus loves you and he wish that none should perish! Get it right now why you have a chance! Look towards the hills from which cometh your help! Your Help come from the Lord! 
Much love.......................................................................EJB

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