
Friday, February 17, 2012

It don't take all that! Hmm! It takes that and then some!

Have you ever heard somebody say "It don't take all that to be save" or " That is too much church for me". Well those are the kind of people that don't want to go higher. Or they are the type of people that never really got to know God as their personal savior so they don't have that relationship with God. These are what we call complacent people. They go to church and heard the word and that is all it takes for them. Some people have never been through the kind of hell your going through because the enemy already know that they don't want anything more so he don't even bother with them. But when you have been through hell and high water you know that it's going to take that and then some. It's going to take me shouting a praise, it's going to take me clapping my hands and dancing before the Lord. It's going to take me crying out and worshiping the Lord with my whole heart. It just might take me going to church five days a week just to keep my sanity. It's gonna take that and anything else I can do to keep me connected with the Father. It's going to take me praying and fasting and cutting some people off that are complacent and cause they not trying to go no higher they don't want me to go any higher. It's gonna take me getting in the Word of God for myself and studying his word so I know how to follow it.  It may take me shouting unto the Lord in a loud voice...the Bible say make a joyful noise unto the Lord! Don't let people put limits on you just because it don't take all that for them. I got to get what I need from the Lord myself! That and then some!   Be Blessed!

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